martes, 28 de octubre de 2008

Your company

Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the words in the box. You can the use similar sentences to talk about your company.

Competitiors customers employees leader products profit
share shareholders share price subsidiaries turnover

1. I work for a company called Kwikshoe.
2. Our main products are sport shoes
3. Kwikshoe leader In the tennis shoe.
4. It has a national market share of 23%
5. Ithas 2,500 employees in this country.
6. It has seven subsidiaries in five different countries.
7. Its main customers are young people and people who do sport.
8. Its main competitors are in Britain and the USA.
9. Its main shareholders are banks and pension funds
10. Its turnover last year was $1.2 billion.
11. Its profit last year was $16 million.
12. Its share price today is $57.

Activities: I completed the sentences whit tha words corresponding of a company.
Reflection: Well, in this exercise I learned some basic concepts in a company and applied in the sentences corresponding.
Source: Flinders Steve, Penguin English Guides, Proffesional English, page 2.

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