jueves, 16 de octubre de 2008

Discussing the market

First, read this articule about the world computer market. then, using the information in the article, complete the table.

by the financial editor

When analysing the computer market worlwide it is useful toi distinguish beteween sales of desktop computers and portable laptop models. The major manufacturers perform very differently in different areas of the mark: for example, A.B.I, the worlwide brand leader in desktop computers, ranks only fourth in laptop computers sales and has captured only nineteen per cent of the European market. The Crown Corporation has suceeded in penetrating the difficult european market and now has a twenty-on per cent market share; Crown ranks second in laptop models and fourth in desktops.

Begginner´s luck

A recente arrival on the scene, Unitec, has won a twenty-eight per cent slice of the european market and already stands at number five in the world market in both categories. The computer division of Marcus Industries rans just below A.B.I in the desktop best five and currently leads the world market in portable models; in spite of this, Marcus have captured only six per cent of the European sector.

Europe figths back

The remainder of European markert is shared by a number of local manufactures who are competing well in home markets but who do not figure largely on the international escence. The only one of these European companies to challenge the U.S.A and Japanese akers abroad successfully is contact Electronics who entered the top five in the laptop field this year and managed to aoutsell both A.B.I and Unitec. Unitec´s main rivals, Perry-Hamilton, still occupy third place in the desktop category, but are struggling to amintain their market share.

Activity: I read a article about of the worl computer market and after I completed a table whit the name of the company tath are in this market.
Reflection: I learnd news words that we use when talk of markets.
Source: Goal: Reading- discussing the market
Lees, Gerald; Thorne Tony.(1994), English On Business, London: Chancerell. page 39.

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