jueves, 9 de octubre de 2008

My mascot

I have a rabbit called roussi, she is white colour, is very loving, roussi ate many, she consumed between six lettuce evryday. I believe that quickly will be fat, alse is very affectionate, she always is where I am.

My cousins love to my rabbit, when they are in my house plays whith her and roussi is happy. Years ago I alse had other rabbit but my father gaven and I never forget because was very sad for me.

My sister has a small duck but I don't like because the ducks are very dirty when grown. My sister Cinthia alse has a turtle, if she will can, I believe that she will have a zoological.

Change to the subject, I believe this semester will be more fun to learn english because the new SAC is more comfortable for study. I want to do enough hours for to better the leguage.

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