martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008

Birthday's of my grandmother

Birthday's of my grandmother

On Saturday 1 november is a day that all the family wait because is birthay’s my grandmother and she as aech year do the delicious pibes, this day we met in her house for to celebrate, as the pibes’s my grandmother there aren´t equal.

My aunts and uncles have a good sense of the humor, I feel very good with they. My grandmother received many gifts as bag, earrings in others things. We alse ate cake and some snacks. The small party finished as at 9:30 pm. and each which returned to your home.

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E-Portfolio Grade

Reading (4) 1
Writing(4) 2
Listening(4) 0
Speaking(4) 0
Academic(4) 2
Journal (8) 3
TOTAL 7 25

3 points each activity
quality (1)
TOTAL 30 60

Organization 5 5
Creativity 10 10

TOTAL 52 100

You started out well and what you did do was good--but points were taken off because you didn't complete your e-portfolio.
I hope you continue with your English even though class is over.
Take care and good luck in all that you do!