martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008



Fill in the missing words in the telephone dialogue below. Choose from the box.

Can I suggest Can you let me have First of all How can I help you I'd also like I look forward to My name is That`s right Wercan arrange What we need is

Berg: Anders Berg.
Peretti: Hello. (1) My name is Ruth Peretti. I'm Managing Director of Woodtech Ltd, a wood machinery manufacturer.
Berg: Oh, yes. (2) How can I help you?
Peretti: Well, an associate in the industry recommended you. You helped raise finance for Bill Wylde a few years ago.
Berg: Yes. (3) That's rigth .
Peretti: Well, Wootched Ltd now wants to expand into new markets with a new product. Up till now we have served specialists in the wood industry but our new product is aimed at the snall manufacturer. (4)What we need is finance.
Berg: Rigth!(5) First of all I'll need some background information. (6) Can you let me have a copy of your balance sheet and profit and loss figures for the part three years?
Peretti: Of course.
Berg: (7) I'd alse like a letter outlining your ideas and a cash flow forecast for the new product.
Peretti: Fine.
Berg: IF you let me have these by the beginning of the next week, (8) We can arrange a meeting for the week after. That will give enough time to look through the figures.
Peretti: Good. (9) Can I suggest a meeting on Monday 16th at 9 o'clock?
Berg: That's fine.(10) I look forward to receiving your letters and accounts in the next few days.
Peretti: I'll post them first thing tomorrow. I look forward to meeting you onMonday 16 th.
Berg: Goodbay.
Peretti: Goodbay.

Activities: I completed a conversation for telephone into a company.
Relection: It activity help me to mend that I have seem in class and lernded new words.
Sources: Brieger Nick, Penguin English Guides, Professional English Accounting, pages 27-28.

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