martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008

Birthday's of my grandmother

Birthday's of my grandmother

On Saturday 1 november is a day that all the family wait because is birthay’s my grandmother and she as aech year do the delicious pibes, this day we met in her house for to celebrate, as the pibes’s my grandmother there aren´t equal.

My aunts and uncles have a good sense of the humor, I feel very good with they. My grandmother received many gifts as bag, earrings in others things. We alse ate cake and some snacks. The small party finished as at 9:30 pm. and each which returned to your home.



Fill in the missing words in the telephone dialogue below. Choose from the box.

Can I suggest Can you let me have First of all How can I help you I'd also like I look forward to My name is That`s right Wercan arrange What we need is

Berg: Anders Berg.
Peretti: Hello. (1) My name is Ruth Peretti. I'm Managing Director of Woodtech Ltd, a wood machinery manufacturer.
Berg: Oh, yes. (2) How can I help you?
Peretti: Well, an associate in the industry recommended you. You helped raise finance for Bill Wylde a few years ago.
Berg: Yes. (3) That's rigth .
Peretti: Well, Wootched Ltd now wants to expand into new markets with a new product. Up till now we have served specialists in the wood industry but our new product is aimed at the snall manufacturer. (4)What we need is finance.
Berg: Rigth!(5) First of all I'll need some background information. (6) Can you let me have a copy of your balance sheet and profit and loss figures for the part three years?
Peretti: Of course.
Berg: (7) I'd alse like a letter outlining your ideas and a cash flow forecast for the new product.
Peretti: Fine.
Berg: IF you let me have these by the beginning of the next week, (8) We can arrange a meeting for the week after. That will give enough time to look through the figures.
Peretti: Good. (9) Can I suggest a meeting on Monday 16th at 9 o'clock?
Berg: That's fine.(10) I look forward to receiving your letters and accounts in the next few days.
Peretti: I'll post them first thing tomorrow. I look forward to meeting you onMonday 16 th.
Berg: Goodbay.
Peretti: Goodbay.

Activities: I completed a conversation for telephone into a company.
Relection: It activity help me to mend that I have seem in class and lernded new words.
Sources: Brieger Nick, Penguin English Guides, Professional English Accounting, pages 27-28.